Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fossil Fuel

Oops.  Still in the ER, they don't want to let me go home yet.  I told them I don't want to be sewed in the heck will they sew through sharkskin?  More embarrassment for me.  Just bandage me up and let me go home, I say.

But no, the nice lady doctor seems determined to poke and prod me a little bit more.  And then she took some sample of my blood.  When she came back after that she was staring at me even more oddly.
"Um, we found some very odd material in your blood," she says hesitantly.  "Are you familiar with trilobits?" she asks.  "They're fossils...."  Her voice trails hesitantly.

Yeah, duh, what the heck?  Has she ever seen a half man, half shark in her Emergency Room?

I think not.

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