Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mharke Sharke start: a bad beginning

"At the end of a summer a couple of years, Mharko was sitting on a rolling pedestal waiting to dry. Product of an independant study, he was waiting to be fired. In order to make room for the new semester, an assistant pushed the pedestal holding Mharko against the wall. The arm, which sticks pretty far out, and of course has a hand on the end of it, ended up losing his hand. OUCH.
 My teacher said, not a problem, lets roll it into the kiln room and you can repair it there. So we carefully rolled the Mharko-on-a-rolling-pedestal towards the kiln room.
However, one of the wheels fell into a floor drain and gave the pedestal such a jolt that the rest of the arm broke off in several pieces.
I was sure i would just have to fire it with no arm or abandon the piece.  My teacher said again, no problem, I've repaired much worse than that.  I put my faith in her experience and guidance, and sure enough i was able to repair it with paper pulp, vinegar and slip. "
Thanks Thomas